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Sara Caldwell

Sara Caldwell Profile Photo

VP of Customer Service

Sara Caldwell, VP of Customer Service, at Dovetail, has a wealth of experience in customer services, having previously worked in Asana, Reforge and Neverware.

Before making customers the heart of her world, Sara was a Secondary School Science teacher where a love of teaching has led to Sara becoming a First Track First Round Mentor, a scheme which matches seasoned startup leaders with early-stage operators in a unique mentorship opportunity. Sara also offers valuable contributions to Molly Graham’s Glue People Club, a networking group for operating roles in scaling companies to share their thoughts, solutions and more.

With a passion for teaching young people, Sara volunteers at her University as well as at Breakthrough Collaborations, a community that creates empowering educational experiences for often underrepresented students on their path to college.

Sara champions female representation and is often seen speaking at events about Women in Tech or Women in Customer Service - speaking about How Women in Tech can amplify the voice of the customer, and ensuring that the customer remains the sole focus so that they have an enjoyable user experience, whatever their business needs are.